Tarpey Games

Games and experiences you host for your friends.

1 Host  |  3-5 Players  |  4 hours (2 two-hour session)  |  Ages 21+

Age of the Guild is a rules-light RPG set in the world of Akasha, where mushrooms grow on elemental crystals and everyone has a magical network of mycelia integrated into their bodies. 

A party from The Order of Mycology has been dispatched to Astrid & Dotty's Organic Farm, Inn & Tavern to investigate an infestation of Night Tangles (an ancient monster thought to be contained in The Shadow Realm). Dotty believes that the infestation is the result of the evil Table Company opening a new Mushroom Factory nearby and using Shadow Magic recklessly. The adventure begins with a brunch at The Farm where Dotty can brief The Party on the situation. 

I am looking for playtesters, so please join the discord server or send me an email if you are interested in playing!

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1-4 Players  |  30 minutes  |  Ages 12+

Two Degrees is a cooperative tile-laying game about mitigating climate change.

Grow forests, build wind farms and connect your cities via high speed rail. You’ll also need to deal with natural disasters that occur more frequently and become more disastrous as temperatures inevitably rise. Don't let temperatures increase by two degrees!

Full rules here.

Buy Print & Play Edition

1 Host  |  1-10 Players  |  60 minutes  |  Ages 18+

Backyard Trivia is a pub-style themed trivia game that you host yourself. Its collaborative, clever, and super casual. 

One game lasts about an hour and it is the perfect thing to do while sitting at a brewery, drinking tea, or hanging out in your backyard. 

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Tarpey Time Travel Tourism

1 Host  |  2-6 Players  |  60 minutes  |  Ages 15+

Tarpey Time Travel Tourism is a time-travel-themed puzzle room you host yourself. Players are trapped aboard a time machine (your living room) where six other guests have gone missing.

They must figure out where each guest has traveled by interpretting clues that the onboard computer supplies to them. These clues could be the most recently used emojis of someone, the transcript of a voicemail, the music they are listening to, and other things like that.

It's a free Print & Play game with an accompanying YouTube video that helps guide you and your players along.

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More Ways to Play

I design solo modes, cooperative modes and other ways to play your favorite games.

Check them out on BGG here.