Your goal is to salsify at least one of the three victory conditions before you run out of turns.
Setup like normal but with one less jewel card for each level.
Before the game begins, choose one card from each level and place them face up in front of you (if they have any abilities, resolve them immediately). Replace those cards with cards from the corresponding stacks.
How to play
Take your turn as you would normally.
For your Optional Actions:
Like normal, you can still spend a privilege to take a gem or pearl.
To replenish the board, spend one privilege.
For your mandatory action:
Take up to 3 gems just like you would normally.
Purchase a jewel card like you would normally and resolve abilities / collect royals like normal too.
To take one gold, take one gold and one privilege. Then, clear an entire row of jewel cards, place them on the bottom of that deck and replace them with cards from the top.
At the end of each turn, choose one jewel card from the pyramid and discard it face down off to the side. You will use these discards to keep track of how many turns you have taken.
3+1+1=5 < 5+1=6
If, at the end of your turn, you have more discards than prestige points, you lose the game.
NOTE: It is okay if you have the same number of discards and prestige points.
How to WIN
Satisfy at least one of the three victory conditions before you run out of turns:
20 or more Prestige points
10 or more Crowns
10 of more Prestige points on cards of the same color
If an ability allows you to take another turn immediately, take an extra turn and do NOT discard a card for it. It’s a free turn!
If an ability allows you to take a gem from an opponent, take one from the board instead.